Saturday, January 15, 2005


Had Zach in to the hospital! First though we called 911 as he couldn't breath. Had been slightly congested that day....not a big deal though. Then his temperature started to rise..... .5 in a 1/2 hour from 102.4 to 102.9. Too fast for my liking then he started to choke/stop breathing. How freaky is that? Jen and Mom got him breathing again and off we go to the hospital in the worst freakin snow storm ever! But the waiting room, on a Saturday night was EMPTY! We got in to see a very nice Dr. right away, Zach has viral tonsillitis and bronchitis. CRAPPY! He gave us a prescription for some meds (antibiotics) and he got the nebulizer and off we go home. Oh yah, and Tylenol every 4 hours to keep his temp down. What a scary night! Thanks to Mom and Jen for being there! Phew! I think I would have lost my mind!


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