Friday, January 28, 2005

HOW smart am I?

I am one smart baby!!!!!!! I know where the "lady" is when I am in the bathroom, and also the "kitty" and "giraffe" in the bathroom. I know to get my ball when asked to and to give any of my toys up to you when asked...I actually share very very well. I look for the item when you a suckie, or my book, or ball etc. I am Genius baby! Watch me go! I also say "Dog" (at least that is what we are pretty sure it is) Da Da, Ma Ma, Go, and I can growl really well too! Some of it maybe we are hoping for more than he is actually saying but he sure seems to know. I am sure that all other babies are just as advanced and stuff...but people sure comment on him being so bright and alert and smiley ALL the time. I mean hey, if they didn't think anything they would just walk on by...but they stop and chat with us or him. He's just so damn cute and a charmer. If he hasn't seen Gramma all day he is a complete show off. "Runs" down the couch, has to get all his toys....its funny. Oh yah, and his spiderman truck....? it makes a good tool to get higher at the gate when you stand on it...and his toybox again a good tool to stand on to get on the table. All in all he is just a great baby with a lot of personality. If you don't see him're missing out!


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