Saturday, October 30, 2004

Ga Ga Ga...oops Da Da Da

Da Da Da...he says!!!! Hasn't said it more than once at that table but he did say it. Probably didn't mean to, was trying to say Ma Ma Ma...but "forgot" how. Hee hee!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Catch me if you can

Crawling all over the place now! See's something he wants and off he goes. Still a bit unsure until he gets started...but wow does he go when he wants! Dogs; look out he'll be chasin you yet! Next, its walking...then the real "fun" begins! It's already amazing how many things are "neat" to a baby. You have to move fast and never take your eyes off them!! WHEW!

Look at me Mom and Dad!!!

Today, for the first time, Zach pulled himself up to a standing position holding on to the couch and stood there trying to reach the dog for quite some time. Not just a chance he promptly went over to the loveseat and did the same again trying to reach the remote!!!! OH NO, now he'll be running soon!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

2 nights!

It's official...Zach has slept through the night TWICE!!!!! Oh yay for me! Just had to share my joy!

How many toofies???

We now have 2 teeth! And you can see the top two when he laughs!!! Is pretty darn cute! And hasn't even been overly crabby or anything! Yay for me! And, yes last night he actually must have known about my sore foot from the wasp sting....he slept right through the night! Another YAY for me! Gotta love sleeping several hours IN A ROW!

Friday, October 15, 2004


Yup today he went from a fish laying on the ground on his belly, to sitting up on his own!!!!!!!!! A major milestone for him!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

A Breakthrough!

Yup, its official. Zach has his first tooth!

A lower tooth came in yesterday.

Yay to Zach!