Saturday, August 26, 2006

Me help?

I help lots. I can carry big stuff upstairs with Mommy because she can't do it herself, I do dishes, I can empty the dishwasher, feed Dowiss, wash the walls with wipes, feed fish, boy what did they do without me to help with everything they do. They say in a funny voice that it will be much faster with my help. I know that.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

102 point WHAT?

I came home from Aunties yesterday and my tummy didn't feel good. I was sitting with Mommy when all the sudden I felt really bad and Mommy says I threw up. It was yucky....then I kept doing it. I hung onto the potty and threw up and threw up and threw up. Yuck. Amma came upstairs to help Mommy cuz I threw up on her. I got to stay up late and snuggle with Daddy and fall asleep but I was HOT. I got up in the night time lots and threw up some more.....I don't like that. Noodles were coming out my nose. Mommy got to stay home from work though.....but they made me go to the hospital AGAIN. I was super hot. Mommy and Edele say I was 102.3 something but I don't know what that means. I went to the hospital, then Daddy came but I felt really yucky. They gave me some stuff "in a really bad place" to cool me down and then some stuff so I stop throwing up. I didn't have fun. Then I had to take some other stuff but my mouf hurt so was awful