Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My First Big "Break" continues

Pretty sore when I got up today...hmmmm can't really use my left arm and it hurts when I land on it....Mommy and Daddy think I need to go to the Dr. Mommy is back at work so Daddy has to take me. In I go. I see Dr. C, he sends me to the hospital so they can xray it.....don't start my Daddy on THAT outing. WHEW these hospitals...seemed like I did a lot of ... nothing. Dr. L checks out my xrays...figures its wrist/arm that is not the hosptial, and puts on a cast...

At home, Daddy puts me down for a nap..and what do you know...the cast comes off pretty easy. OOOH new game for me! Daddy was able to get it back on pretty easy.

Mommy comes home after work...and I figure I should show them both how good I am at taking my cast off! Hmmm, don't think they were too happy about it cuz here I am again doing a whole lot of nothing at the hospital. Dr. J says that he doesn't think its broken and just to leave it as I am going to go right to bed anyway, he'll check with a surgeon to see if it is broken and call Mommy and Daddy in the morning if I have to have another one put on.....


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