Thursday, May 12, 2005


I like to show off my teeth a lot now...especially when you ask. And I can brush them pretty good too. The yellow that was there is pretty much gone...oops Mommy knows better now. But have I got a lot of teeth! They seem to be popping up everywhere. I even have molars (thats what they keep saying..who knows what it means?!) So watch out if I bite you...its gonna hurt! I don't bite though...although I did try once and it didn't go over really well....oh well. I also can pick up my own toys, and entertain myself for quite some time.

I LOVE to go outside though, just ask Gramma, I love her rides in the wagon, actually I think that they hide it so I am not so "focused" on it. I also LOVE the vaccuum. That is one cool ride! It's pretty fun to ride on, and I can turn it off and on now. I am a genius after all!


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