I turned 1 today...Mommy and Daddy and everyone had a big party for me. There was my Grandma, Auntie Jenny, Uncle Rick, Nanny, Opa, Auntie Dot, Grampa Bill, Grampa Paul, Catalina, McKenzie, Jessie, Auntie Kimmie, Uncle Garrie, Aaron, Auntie Tracy, Christina, Auntie Andi, Edele, Mommy, Daddy and ME! And man did I eat some cool stuff...cookies, cake, and chips to mention a few (do you think I will have a tummy ache????) and I got lots of cool presents too...
-Grandma gave me a castle to play with and new sleepers...seems that they keep getting smaller and they buy me new ones that are right....I bet those will grow small too
-Auntie Jenny and Uncle Rick gave me a toy that is a train with special blocks that drives by itself...I think Uncle Rick would fight me for it!
-Nanny and Opa gave me a set of toys that are so fun...I love the cups that you put together and the elephant that eats shapes.....hmmmm hard to figure that one out...I didn't know that's what elephants ate
-Auntie Dot (and Uncle Glen even though he wasn't here) gave me some overall shorts and a cool top...all the girls were lovin the top...I bet I will win them over with that!
-Grampa Bill (and Grandma Shirley even though she wasn't here) gave me some new clothes....they look pretty cool but I think they might fall down...someone said I have to be a bit taller or something) and some money....hmmm not sure what you do with it but I bet it would be delicious...maybe I have to have more teeth to eat it...it was kindof pretty though
-Grampa Paul,Catalina, McKenzie and Jessie gave me a motor bike...don't they know I HAVE a motor bike? its green and yellow and used to live at Aarons house...I play with it when they change me....I heard them say that its a bit bigger than that...hmmmm....bet Daddy HAS to get one too
-Auntie Kimmie, Uncle Garrie and Aaron got me some DVDs called Baby Einstein....well I AM a genius you know...I probably know it all already....
-Auntie Tracy, Uncle Brent, and all the kids got me a totally cool outfit....and some new books...finally don't have to have the same ones read to me over and over...those adults think thats what I want buy HEY how do I say "No I don't want to hear that book for the 12th time I would like you to go get some new ones from the store....) maybe I'll figure it out...but for now I have some totally cool new ones
-Auntie Andi gave me a present the other day....guess she thought I needed them to work me into the birthday thing....it was a train with some cool pets on it...can we get a elephant? They eat shapes so they are pretty cheap to feed I guess, and today she got me a bus with the alphabet on it so I can learn how to say "go get a new book", my Daddy and Uncle Rick were playin with it...making some strange words....do you think they will teach them to me?
-Edele, Mommy and Daddy got me some new clothes with sox that I can't pull off...ARGH, and a new book for my Leap Pad....jest wish they would relax and let me play with my Leap Pad all by myself...did ya see those pages??? they're meant for rippin and eatin
All in all, man did I have fun...seemed like everyone was there to see me. Gotta like that...and do the chicks ever go for a guy in a cast....could work well when I am older...now who was it that said I might grow up to be a Motocross Champ...well when you get Motorbikes at my age...LOOK OUT!! The best is yet to come!
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