Daycare is FUN!
Auntie Kim and Uncle Garrie went away so I had to go to "daycare" at Debbies house. Momma and Dadda took me there to play for a bit...then the next day Momma left me. There was lots of kids and stuff to do....they feed you lots too....I spent the whole week there and man is it cool! I can say some new words since I started going like - me, Hunter (that's the dog, I say it pretty good), and I did say please for Debbie the right way one day. When I come home Momma says I am not as crabby. Usually, I'm tired. Playin with kids like me is get really really tired. Debbie puts me in a playpen in her bedroom and I get to sleep with 2 bunnies not just 1! I sleep really good there even though it's new. I get to go there next week too. I can't wait! She has a playground in her yard! And cars, and a house, and a bunch of stuff and BALLS! YAY! I like it there a lot. I like playin with other little kids.
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