Sunday, January 30, 2005

Step 1...

Ok 2 steps all on his own. NO really! He walks around the furniture and sometimes forgets that he has to hang on and just goes.... but tonight he actually took 2 steps from Gramma to Daddy to get his ball...ok a bit of a teary moment! Of course you go to get the camera and video it to brag to everyone and do you think he would do it again??? NOPE. Not a chance! Soon enough he'll be walkin all over though. Just wait!

Friday, January 28, 2005

HOW smart am I?

I am one smart baby!!!!!!! I know where the "lady" is when I am in the bathroom, and also the "kitty" and "giraffe" in the bathroom. I know to get my ball when asked to and to give any of my toys up to you when asked...I actually share very very well. I look for the item when you a suckie, or my book, or ball etc. I am Genius baby! Watch me go! I also say "Dog" (at least that is what we are pretty sure it is) Da Da, Ma Ma, Go, and I can growl really well too! Some of it maybe we are hoping for more than he is actually saying but he sure seems to know. I am sure that all other babies are just as advanced and stuff...but people sure comment on him being so bright and alert and smiley ALL the time. I mean hey, if they didn't think anything they would just walk on by...but they stop and chat with us or him. He's just so damn cute and a charmer. If he hasn't seen Gramma all day he is a complete show off. "Runs" down the couch, has to get all his toys....its funny. Oh yah, and his spiderman truck....? it makes a good tool to get higher at the gate when you stand on it...and his toybox again a good tool to stand on to get on the table. All in all he is just a great baby with a lot of personality. If you don't see him're missing out!

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Had Zach in to the hospital! First though we called 911 as he couldn't breath. Had been slightly congested that day....not a big deal though. Then his temperature started to rise..... .5 in a 1/2 hour from 102.4 to 102.9. Too fast for my liking then he started to choke/stop breathing. How freaky is that? Jen and Mom got him breathing again and off we go to the hospital in the worst freakin snow storm ever! But the waiting room, on a Saturday night was EMPTY! We got in to see a very nice Dr. right away, Zach has viral tonsillitis and bronchitis. CRAPPY! He gave us a prescription for some meds (antibiotics) and he got the nebulizer and off we go home. Oh yah, and Tylenol every 4 hours to keep his temp down. What a scary night! Thanks to Mom and Jen for being there! Phew! I think I would have lost my mind!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

And a visit to the Dr.

Had his specialist appt today to check on his "tick". Dr. was sooo nice and so good with him. Basically, Zach is thinking of soooo many things that you add 25 people and noise to it and he just "blips". The Dr. says he is a very very bright child and that he will be a handful and a half at 2 so be consistent with him now...but that he is healthy, happy and overachieving. Ok, we already know he is gonna be a freakin we have a Dr. telling us that!? So, when it is a bit too harried we take him out of the excitement and slowly bring him back. NO biggie, and he will outgrow it when he can direct his thoughts more...PHEW!!! That is a scary thing~