Friday, March 31, 2006

Daycare is FUN!

Auntie Kim and Uncle Garrie went away so I had to go to "daycare" at Debbies house. Momma and Dadda took me there to play for a bit...then the next day Momma left me. There was lots of kids and stuff to do....they feed you lots too....I spent the whole week there and man is it cool! I can say some new words since I started going like - me, Hunter (that's the dog, I say it pretty good), and I did say please for Debbie the right way one day. When I come home Momma says I am not as crabby. Usually, I'm tired. Playin with kids like me is get really really tired. Debbie puts me in a playpen in her bedroom and I get to sleep with 2 bunnies not just 1! I sleep really good there even though it's new. I get to go there next week too. I can't wait! She has a playground in her yard! And cars, and a house, and a bunch of stuff and BALLS! YAY! I like it there a lot. I like playin with other little kids.

Friday, March 24, 2006

bye bye suckie

Hmmm...after I went to the suckies have gone missing. Moma hasn't even tried to look for them. I have not had it for 3 nights now....something is fishie here. I don't really mind but I think maybe the Dr. took them. No one even talks about them, it's like they were never there. I miss them a bit....I did like them but Moma and Dada would look for them if I needed I need them? That is the question. I guess we will see....I kind of got attached to them....oh thumb is handy but I don't like that.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

ER, ER, it's off to ER we go

AND AGAIN! I was a bit goofy, well a bit out of control, tripped-as my feet don't work the way I want them, and SMASH forehead meets table leg...didn't cry much at first as I couldn't it hurt so much, then did I cry! You should see the bump!!! It was a huge goose egg as Moma called it...she looked like she was gonna cry....I did so that was OK, then off Dada, Moma and me go to the ER. I like it there, they are pretty nice to me. The Dr. came and looked at me, shined his flashlight in my eyes, stuck a stick in my throat which wasn't fair, they said they wanted to see my tongue, and made me walk around. I walked good.....I don't get that...I can walk around at home with people watchin....why do they take me to the hospital for that? Anyway, Moma woke me up a couple of times during the night....and I woke up, and went back to sleep...I thought that they wanted me to sleep during the night, but I could gladly go back to waking up every hour so no one worries...just a thought! Moma is trying to get a picture of my bump but I just like to say CHEEZ when I see the camera and move around alot...hopefully she will get one!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Will he make the right decision???

Seeing the news tonight makes you step back and think; Wednesday March 15, 2006 in Nanaimo 3 out of 5 teens killed in a car accident with speed as a factor.....

Will my child be a teen killed in a car accident in 15 years? I hope that as a parent I am able to teach Zach right from wrong and good from bad. But I bet the parents of those kids thought they had, until the fatal crash. You can't keep them in a bubble until they are 19 so they "don't get hurt" but seeing things like this that happen far too often makes you really want to. It makes me sick inside for the parents of those kids for what they are going through, if only I had done this or that, if only we had re-inforced this or that. They are going through HELL....and I hope and pray that I don't face the HELL that they are experiencing. I hope I teach him well and he can make the right choices, I hope that he can experience all the things I have been lucky enough to experience and will continue to experience. I hope that he is lucky enough to have a beautiful boy such as he is and never has to deal with anything like this......and I hope he has the chance to worry, just like I do all the time.

Until the day Zach was born, I was living life for each passing day, never worrying about the future and what it may bring....Now I think of the future all the time...I worry about him all the time....I can't imagine my life without him in it. And it sometimes is a tragedy like this that makes you step back, appreciate what you have, and be happy you are not dealing with the loss of a child.

Each day, we make a choice on how we are going to ENJOY the day or PUT UP with the day. We make a choice on how we behave and what sort of impact we will have on someone else. An unkind word may be the last word that you utter or is heard, a dirty look may be the last time you see that person or are seen, or a missed moment may be the last moment.....The next time you get upset because your child didn't finish his/her chores, or didn't walk the dog or clean up the yard, or even talks back to you, be thankful that they are alive and able to do their chores another day, to walk the dog or clean up the yard another day and yet to be ALIVE to talk back to you ... another day!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

dtuuu-it comes after 1!

Today, I turned dtuu. It was my second birthday. Boy did I have fun! All my friends were there; Momma, Daddy, Eddie, Doriss, Amma, Auntie Jenny and Uncle Rick, Auntie Andi, Auntie Kim, Uncle Garrie, Arod (Aaron), Nanny, Chris, Christine, Carissa, Tyler, Shirley, Terry Lynne and Julian. I got tons of clothes...everyone says I shouldn't like clothes but they are pretty fun! I got T shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, fancy shirts, pants, a jacket, pretty cool shoes (they're orange and green...they go real good with the shorts and shirt that Auntie Jen and Uncle Rick got me...but Amma has to take them back cause they don't fit...neither do the shorts and shirt so they have to be taken back....I think I am bigger than they think!), a noisy book, a chair and foot stool (they laugh when I put up my feet but isn't that what it's for???), trucks, a Mighty Machine movie, roller skates, a light up thingy, a Trike, a Little People farmyard (Doriss tried to eat a horse already), a ball, a Bond but I don't know what that is, and a Elmo that dances with me....whew did I get lots of stuff. And CAKE...lots and lots of cake. YUM!! I like cake. I got to blow out my candles and everything. I like doing that, I do it at Amma's a lot. I also got to play and run around with Arod and Carissa and Tyler. They sure seem to like my toys. Maybe they don't have any. I have lots! I hope you like the pictures. I had a lot of fun!